So that's over cause I'll go in to interests later or you'll learn them as I bring them up.
A friend of mine has said he knows how I think, so we have made up an experiment as he is a writer he will write me as a character and set me in a real world situation. If in his story I act as if I would really act, I will bow to him as he can understand how I think. Kind of scary if he does it would mean he could predict what I was going to do before I do it. Which in turn makes me believe that we are all set to pre-programmed actions, though I would add people are meant to help the needy or those in danger but rarely do. I'm not over looking the few that do as they are doing what should be a common thing but yet it isn't.
Back to the predicting my actions before I do them, my question too my friend and to you would be knowing the way people are going to act would you be tempted in taking advantage of this or would you just freak people out?